Thursday 11 August 2011

Back with a Sunset & a bit of economics

Long time. I've not got much in the way of wild life to write about just yet. Mainly because my camera has a very long long delay between pressing the shutter button and actually taking the photo. So I've come home from Devon with a lot of landscape shots because the landscape seemed to move a lot less than Devons Fauna.

I'm always amazed at what the sky does 
I took this on the way back from Salcombe. I find it a whole lot more difficult to write about landscape shots than pictures of Animals.  I'm presuming that in this picture is a field that was used to grow wheat and so i'll be topical about this. Wheat prices have risen over the past few years for several reasons.

 This is can be pinned on several issues. One of which is the continuously growing world population (nearly 7 Billion) this is quite simple to understand as more people will bring with them the demand for more food and if demand for something rises the price is likely to rise as well. This price rise also reflects how easy it is to supply the good (in this case the good is wheat). If the good is in large supply the price rise may not be so large. This problem crops  up  when talking about the price of wheat (Good Pun Nathan). There are 3 countries which are sometimes referred to as 'Europe's wheat basket' Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.  Russia is the 3rd largest producer of wheat and in 2010 they had many crops destroyed by wild fires and droughts. In order to prevent to price of wheat rising for themselves Russia sold less wheat to the rest of Europe. This meant that supply decreased couple this with rising demand and we see a subsequent price rise.

This pictures not Even relevant 

Other factors to have added to the price rise, such as the increases in demand for farm land for other goods such a rape seed and live stock. China play a large role here, as many Chinese citizens are finding themselves with more disposable income. This means they can afford such luxury goods as red meats (such as lamb) and so the demand for beef has risen and more land is being used for rearing livestock instead of growing wheat for human consumption. 

I'm trying to hard too find a use for my pictures