Sunday, 25 July 2010

Lake Panorama

The title of this post took me some time to spell, it was originally going to be called 'Lake Pananoroma' Which sounds odd if said out loud.
The lake pictured above is in Slapton Ley Nature reserve, which is in Devon. I'd have to say it's one of my favourite places in Devon. I took this picture at around 6:30am which is why I'd guess the water is so still.

The lake above is around 1.5 miles in length making it the largest lake in south-west Britain. It is known for it's large population of Cetti's Warbler (A bird I never got a picture of) So we'll have to make do with some Geese I got a shot of instead.

Admittedly I probably could've taken this shot at home but the geese seem to look better in Devon.

The Geese above are Canadian Geese, which are very Common in England and probably Canada too. They feed on Grass, Grain, insects as well as a range of aquatic vegetation. Geese often feed on large plains as this makes it easier to spot predators, I hope who ever's reading this remembers this next time they see Canadian Geese.

I got several shots of other birds too as well as Dragon flies which I hope to post about a bit later on.

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Eyes on Heron

I got a few shots of a Heron, here's one of them, I had to use full zoom, so it's not picture perfect but I'd say it was a good start.

I've always found Herons a little more interesting than your average Goose or Duck, most probably because I see herons far less.

The Heron above is a great blue Heron, it looks more Grey to me than blue but who am I to argue with Wikipedia.

Herons are wading birds there diets consists of a wide variety of aquatic animals, including fish, reptiles, amphibians, crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic insects. Though I don't think you get many reptiles where this picture was taken or crustaceans for that matter. I did see a heron catch a fish once though, again exciting stuff (to me).

On that subject I think I might be going fishing soon, that might promise some new picture opportunities.

Through The Eyes Of My Camera Comes A Fly

Practised using the macro feature on my camera, I expect I'll be using this feature a whole lot more.

Above is a picture I took of a common house fly or for all you Romans Musca domestica, these acount for 90% of all flies that inhabbit domestic places. Interesting stuff.

I was pretty excited when I saw the hairs on the fly, surprising how much excitement a picture of a fly can actually bring to the average teen...Tell a lie I'm probably nothing like 'The average Teen' I mean who takes pictures of flies at the weekend? (Well me)


Oh well, If my summer gets anymore exciting you can expect more pictures of flies...

Pass Time Photography

What to say...These are a few off my first attempts at trying to work a camera, I wouldn't say there too shabby but I know very little about what makes a good picture.

Above is a picture I took of a dragon fly...

'Characterized by large multifaceted eyes, two pairs of strong transparent wings, and an elongated body' this is of course according to Wikipedia.
They always seem most appealing and I would think most photographers (any one with a camera in my case) would be drawn to them. See I was trying to take a picture of a Heron at the time and got side tracked by this little critter which is fair enough I guess.

So Yeah, taking pictures, I find, is a very good pass time and seeing as I've an extra long summer ahead of me I expect i'll be posting a few more.