Tuesday 3 August 2010

Camera Friendly Lions

I took a trip Cotswold Wildlife Gardens a few days ago, which I thought was something like a safari park, but it turns out it was more like a small zoo. None the less I got out my camera and busied myself straight away.

Above is a Male Asiatic Lion, it's one of the five big cats that you can find in Indian, though I found this one in the Cotswold's. There colours can range largely from a red-ish brown to a golden grey, i'd say the one above is more 'golden-grey' than 'red-ish brown'. They mainly prey on Deer, Gazelle, Antelope, Wild boar, Water Buffalo and unfortunately for Farmers in India, Live stock.

They are very sociable Animals and live together in Groups called prides, which usually consist of two or three females (Pictured bellow) and one male. The Asiatic Lions prides are smaller than other Lions prides such as African Lion Prides because their prey is often much smaller so it requires less Lions to take on the prey.

There are very few of these fine felines left in the wild, due to excessive hunting and decline in their prey. It is thought that they are only naturally found in the Gir Forest of Gujarat, which is in India. Hopefully, thanks to reintroduction programmes, they will soon start to be spotted in other parts of India too.

On a different Subject, here is Moorhen standing on a Red Eared Slider Turtle.

One of my favourite pictures of the day, the Red Eared Slider Turtle get's it's name from the red marks on the side of it's neck (A bit more clearer bellow), though they can sometimes be orange too. Standing on top of the Turtle is a Common Moorhen, which can be easily spotted at many lakes in the UK.

Again Pictured Above are two Red Eared Slider Turtles.

I hope to post about some Meerkats soon too.

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